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How to Win Blackjack

Blackjack is one of the most popular card games in casinos worldwide. Its blend of luck and strategy appeals to both novice and experienced players. While the element of luck can’t be controlled, employing a solid strategy can significantly improve your chances of winning. This guide aims to equip you with effective strategies and tips to master the game of blackjack.

Top Casinos for Blackjack Players

John Vegas Casino
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Golden Crown Casino
Min Deposit: $20
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Boho Casino
Min Deposit: $20
4000+ Pokies
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225 Free Spins

Understanding the Basics

Game Rules: The objective of blackjack is simple: beat the dealer’s hand without exceeding 21. Each player is dealt two cards, and the dealer also gets two cards, with one card face up and the other face down. Players must decide whether to “hit” (take another card), “stand” (keep their current hand), “split” (divide their hand into two if they have a pair), or “double down” (double their bet and take one more card).

The game has an inherent house edge, which can vary depending on the rules of the specific table and the number of decks used. Understanding this house edge is crucial as it affects your long-term chances of winning. For instance, a game with a single deck has a lower house edge compared to a game with multiple decks.

Familiarity with basic blackjack terms is essential:

  • Hit: Take another card.
  • Stand: Keep your current hand.
  • Split: If you have two cards of the same value, you can split them into two separate hands.
  • Double Down: Double your initial bet and receive only one more card.
  • Bust: Exceeding a total of 21, resulting in an automatic loss.
  • Push: A tie between the player and the dealer, resulting in the player’s bet being returned.

By understanding these basics, you lay a strong foundation for implementing more advanced strategies and making informed decisions during the game.

Basic Strategy

A blackjack strategy chart is an essential tool for players aiming to minimize the house edge. It provides a clear set of actions for any possible hand combination against the dealer’s upcard.

  • Introduction to the Strategy Chart: The chart outlines whether to hit, stand, split, or double down based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s visible card.
  • How to Use the Chart: Find your hand on the left side of the chart and the dealer’s upcard along the top. The intersection gives you the recommended action.
  • Importance of Following the Chart: Adhering to the chart’s recommendations reduces the house edge to as low as 0.5%, making it one of the most effective strategies for blackjack.

Techopedia’s Blackjack Strategy

Techopedia’s guide offers detailed strategies to optimize your blackjack play:

  • When to Hit and Stand: Generally, you should hit if your hand totals 11 or less. Stand when your hand is strong compared to the dealer’s upcard.
  • When to Split Pairs: Always split aces and eights. Never split tens or fives.
  • When to Double Down: Double down on 11 if the dealer shows a lower card. Also, double down on 10 if the dealer’s upcard is 9 or lower.

Practical Examples and Scenarios

  • Example 1: You have a pair of 8s, and the dealer shows a 7. The chart advises splitting the 8s.
  • Example 2: You hold a 10 and a 2, and the dealer shows a 5. The chart suggests hitting.

Advanced Strategies

Card Counting

Card counting can give players an edge by tracking the ratio of high to low cards remaining in the deck.

  • Basic Concept and Legality: While not illegal, card counting is often frowned upon by casinos, and players may be asked to leave if caught.
  • How to Count Cards (Hi-Lo Method): Assign +1 to low cards (2-6), 0 to middle cards (7-9), and -1 to high cards (10-Ace). Keep a running count to gauge the deck’s favorability.
  • Tips for Beginners and Common Pitfalls: Start by practicing at home and gradually move to live play. Avoid obvious behaviors that might alert casino staff.

Bankroll Management

Effective bankroll management ensures you can sustain longer playing sessions and avoid significant losses.

  • Setting a Budget and Sticking to It: Decide on a bankroll that you’re comfortable losing and divide it into smaller session bankrolls.
  • Tips for Managing Your Bankroll Effectively: Avoid chasing losses, and never bet more than a predetermined percentage of your bankroll on a single hand.
  • The Importance of Discipline: Consistent bankroll management prevents emotional decisions and ensures long-term playability.

Bet Sizing Techniques

Proper bet sizing can enhance your winnings and manage your risk.

  • Progressive Betting Strategies: Increase your bet after a win (positive progression) or after a loss (negative progression), though the latter can be risky.
  • Flat Betting vs. Variable Betting: Flat betting involves placing the same bet each hand, while variable betting adjusts bet size based on game conditions.
  • When to Increase or Decrease Your Bets: Increase bets when the deck is favorable (e.g., after a high running count in card counting). Decrease bets when the deck is not in your favor.

By understanding and applying these basic and advanced strategies, you can significantly improve your chances of winning at blackjack. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced player, these tips and techniques will help you make informed decisions and enhance your overall gaming experience.

Top Bonuses for Blackjack Players

First deposit bonus<br>100% up to A$2,000 + 100 FS
First deposit bonus
100% up to A$2,000 + 100 FS
Welcome Package<BR>UP TO A$3000 + 225 FS
Welcome Package
UP TO A$3000 + 225 FS
First Deposit Bonus<br>100% up to A$500 + 100 FS
First Deposit Bonus
100% up to A$500 + 100 FS
First Deposit Bonus<br>100% up to A$500 + 50 FS
First Deposit Bonus
100% up to A$500 + 50 FS
Welcome Package<br>UP TO A$2000
Welcome Package
UP TO A$2000
Welcome Bonus<br>100% up to A$1000 + 60 FS
Welcome Bonus
100% up to A$1000 + 60 FS
UP TO A$2500 + 250 FS
Billy’s First Welcome<br>100% up to 7500 $ + 100 FS
Billy’s First Welcome
100% up to 7500 $ + 100 FS
First Deposit Bonus<br>100% up to 400 AUD + 100 FS
First Deposit Bonus
100% up to 400 AUD + 100 FS

In-Depth Tips

Mastering the Art of Splitting: Knowing when to split pairs can significantly improve your blackjack strategy. Always split aces and eights. Splitting aces allows you to start two hands with a strong card, increasing the chance of hitting 21. Splitting eights helps you avoid the poor total of 16. Avoid splitting tens and fives. Tens make a strong hand of 20, and splitting fives turns a potential double down opportunity into weaker hands.

Optimal Double Down Situations: Double down when you have a total of 11, as you have a high chance of hitting a 10-value card, making a strong hand. Also, double down on 10 if the dealer shows a lower card, and on 9 if the dealer shows a 3-6. Common mistakes include doubling down with high risk hands or when the dealer shows a strong upcard like a 10 or an ace.

Soft Hands Strategy: Soft hands (those including an ace counted as 11) require specific strategies. For example, with a soft 17 (A-6), hit if the dealer shows a 7 or higher, and double down if the dealer shows 3-6. With a soft 18 (A-7), stand if the dealer shows 2, 7, or 8, hit if the dealer shows 9, 10, or ace, and double down if the dealer shows 3-6. Adjust your strategy based on the dealer’s upcard to maximize your chances.

Dealer’s Upcard Strategy: Your strategy should adjust based on the dealer’s visible card. If the dealer shows a 2-6, they are in a weak position, so you can be more aggressive with doubling down and splitting. If the dealer shows a 7 or higher, play more conservatively, as they have a better chance of hitting a strong hand. For instance, if the dealer shows a 5 and you have a total of 12-16, you should stand because the dealer is likely to bust.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Ignoring Basic Strategy: Deviating from the strategy chart increases the house edge and lowers your chances of winning. Consistency is crucial; even one deviation can lead to significant losses over time. Stick to the chart to minimize the house edge effectively.

Misunderstanding Odds and Probabilities: Many players misunderstand the odds and probabilities in blackjack. Common misconceptions include believing that a win is “due” after a series of losses. Instead, understand that each hand is independent and that the probabilities of winning remain constant. Practical understanding of odds, such as knowing the likelihood of busting when hitting on a particular total, can guide better decision-making.

Emotional Decision Making: Avoid making decisions based on emotions. Tilt, or playing recklessly after a loss, can lead to poor decisions and significant losses. Maintain emotional control by taking breaks, setting strict time and loss limits, and focusing on making the best decisions rather than the outcomes.

By following these in-depth tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can significantly improve your blackjack game and increase your chances of winning. Consistency, understanding of the game mechanics, and emotional control are key to becoming a successful blackjack player.

Online Blackjack vs. Live Blackjack

Key Differences: One of the most notable differences between online and live blackjack is the pace of play. Online blackjack games are much faster due to automated dealing and the absence of physical shuffling. This means you can play more hands per hour online than in a live casino. Additionally, online blackjack provides various tools such as strategy charts and calculators, which are not available in live settings. The rules and house edge can also vary; for example, some online casinos might offer single-deck games with a lower house edge, while live casinos often use multiple decks.

Adapting Strategies for Online Play: When playing online, take advantage of the available resources and software tools. Use heads-up displays (HUDs) and other analytics tools to track your play and improve your strategy. Managing distractions is crucial; create a dedicated, distraction-free environment to maintain focus. Unlike in a live casino where you can physically see your opponents and the dealer, staying focused online requires more discipline, especially with the temptation of multitasking.


Recap the key strategies and tips discussed throughout the guide. Emphasize the importance of consistently applying these strategies, whether playing online or live. Encourage continuous practice and learning, as blackjack is a game where strategy and knowledge significantly impact success. Finally, highlight the importance of responsible gambling and enjoying the game, reminding players to set limits and play within their means to maintain a positive and enjoyable experience.